Friday, January 29, 2010

Dachshund Cherry Eye Cherry Eye In Dachshund?

Cherry eye in dachshund? - dachshund cherry eye

I have an ass red female 1 years scratching his game with a different animal at home, shes treated with antibiotics and lid, IMs convinced that if he plays, but still a little worried,,,,,, ,,,,, how long they have to lose?


ND DVM said...

You really Eye Cherry - nictitans gland prolapse? If so, it may have been only after an injury. It comes in many dogs due to a genetic inclination / anatomic laxity in the ligaments that normally keep the gland behind the third eyelid.

I had a dog for years that this problem had the opportunity. You woke me up with her, but could return in a day or two days to be resolved, and not for months. That is unusual. I think it is more widely remembered as the problem, and corrective surgery is performed.

Well, if your ass, really long, perhaps his cornea, which produce a red-eye ", but it is a real Eye Cherry injured could and should improve within a few days on the drug situation.

Good luck.

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